BonSeP is a consulting firm in high-technology sectors (Energy, Transport, Aeronautics, Defense).
Created by Hervé de Larquier after more than 30 years of experience in various industrial environments, it draws on his broad knowledge of the international standards of management.
BonSeP advises on all elements of the value chain, from corporate to the operational teams.
Utilising collaborative methodologies, its aim is to build flexible and simplified organizations to improve performances while respecting the culture of the enterprise.
BonSeP also provides specialist advise in ILS/SLM.
BonSeP ss an independent advisor to large corporations on organisational performance and technology solutions.
BonSeP provides flexible partnerships tailored to client needs.
Business Acquisition and Performance
During major program and project competitive tendering and kick off, implementation of a “win win” strategy and rapid mobilisation of skilled, experienced and motivated resources are the key drivers.
Having participated in more than 50 international and national calls for tender, Hervé de Larquier develops a pragmatic approach of the best practices.
BonSeP offer covers whole the value chain from the competitive strategy to the writing techniques and negotiation. Accepting the challenge, BonSeP will work side by side with you to produce and negotiate a winning tender.
- Market drivers analysis
- Tender strategy, competitive positioning
- Opportunity Capture Plan
- Partnerships build-up
- Project Management Office (PMO)
- Negotiation strategy, Plan

Organizational Performance
Competition always stronger, constant evolution of standards and customer’s requirements, new opportunities offered by technologies, evolution of staff’s aspiration are some of the many factors to which companies have to adapt themselves to assure their level of competitiveness.
Based on the experience of the AREVA Transformation Plan, BonSeP aims to simplify in depth the business processes of a company by drawing the organisations untapped resources with a tailored change management approach.
- Benchmark, diagnostic
- Performance Plan, Transformation Plan
- Change Management, implementation
- Process Simplification
- ExCom dashboard and KPI’s
- Sales & Support process rationalization
- Process analysis for Merge & Acquisition
ILS / SLM Expertise
Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) is a set of regulations and standards developed by the NASA and the DOD to optimize Availability / Life Cycle Cost of complex systems within the framework of acquisition program.
“System Life Management” (SLM) is a simplified approach applicable to the whole life cycle.
Hervé de Larquier is one of the authors of the MINDEF’s reference books on this topic.
He was appointed to represent France in the NATO workshops.
He also taught the discipline within armed forces headquarters and in Supelec University.
He has undertaken numerous advisory tasks for the state agencies and their industrial contractors.
Company & Organization
- Support strategy and policy
- Evaluation of support elements efficiency
- New services design & implementation
- Support production cost optimization
Large Projects & Programs
- Integrated Support Plan
- Life Cycle Cost analysis (LCC / TCO)
- Logistic Support Analysis
- Logistic support database and information systems
Facilities & in Service Systems
- Cost, availability, efficiency diagnosis
- “Make or buy” Strategy
- Transformation Plan Deployment (cost cutting, delivery upgrade)

Hervé de LARQUIER a commencé sa carrière en tant qu’Ingénieur système Optronique chez THALES.
Après 2 ans passés aux Etats-Unis sur de grands appels d’offres internationaux il co-fonde en 1990 la société SYSLOG spécialisée en Logistique des Grands Systèmes et travaille auprès de la Direction Générale de l’Armement et des Armées, du CEA, de la RATP et de nombreux industriels, Thalès, EDF, Sagem,…
Il est enseignant à SUPELEC et co-auteur d’ouvrages de référence sur le Soutien Logistique Intégré.
En avril 2000, la société SYSLOG rejoint le Groupe AREVA et devient RMC.
Il prend en charge les fonctions de Directeur Général Délégué responsable des opérations.
En 2005, il rejoint Technicatome en tant que Directeur Commercial Adjoint puis Directeur Commercial.
En Avril 2010, il intègre la fonction commerciale du Groupe AREVA en tant Directeur Organisation et Performances.
Il pilote le plan de performance de la fonction et à ce titre met en place l’harmonisation des processus commerciaux et des comités d’offres. Il initialise également la « Sales Forces Academy ».
En décembre 2011, il assure différentes missions auprès du Directeur Général, dont le redressement du projet EPR en Finlande avant d’être nommé Directeur de la Performance du Groupe en avril 2014. Il anime également le « Program Management Office » de la transformation d’AREVA.
En avril 2017, il fonde BonSeP consulting.
Winning Tender
International calls for tender
- United States: US Army, US Navy, Canada
- Europe: EEC, ITER, NATO, Finland, Netherlands
- Asia: China, Indonesia, Korea
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Turkey
- Industrials facilities: plane assembly lines, large scientific & test plants
- Railways: metro rolling stocks & signaling
- Defense systems
Organizational Performance
- AREVA group Performance Plan
- EPR Finland Recovery Plan
- Maintenance & support Performance Plan for CEA facilities
- Maintenance & Support Performance Plan for CNES ground segments
- Merge & simplification of AREVA commercial processes
- Configuration management deployment for a new metro line (RATP L14)
ILS / SLM Expertise
Guidelines & standards
- MINDEF, Air France, Thalès, EDF
Programs Expertise
- DGA, French Army & Police
- Thalès, Airbus Defense
Education (Teaching)
- Supelec, MINDEF, DCMAT, Thalès